Trevor Roberts
My name is Trevor, I’m a certified personal trainer, certified nutrition coach, strength and conditioning coach & elite trainer. My life in fitness began back when I was teen, basketball was always my passion, still is. I had dreams of playing in the NBA, worked hard, been invited to a few NBA G-League tryouts from 2015-2018. Unfortunately things happen in life and I had to pivot away from that dream. Heart broken, moving from one state to live in another as I was in the middle of that dream was tough. Not knowing where life was taking me or knowing what life had coming my way I battled with a level of depression. In the second half of 2019 I figured started to get a grip on my life and started to figure out what it was that I wanted to do. I knew a 9-5 job wasn’t for me and I got tired of working for people. I knew I wanted to stay active and have an active kind of job, I heavily started to get back into a routine of working out again. During that summer I decided to get into personal training. First getting my personal trainer certification then early 2020 I then received my nutrition certification. Once the pandemic hit in 2020 gym shut down, human interaction at its lowest, I worked on building an online fitness business called Technique and Results Personal Training L.L.C (long name I know lol). I purchased bands, dumbbells and other equipment to be able to workout at home and to bring fitness to everyone during a rough time in the world. Then in 2024 I received my Strength and Conditioning certification. Since then I’ve trained a ton of people, built relationships and clients have achieved their goals. Feeling better, moving better and mentally in a better place as well. Since then Technique and Results has made it more of a focus to reach athletes and to enhance their athletic performance but still training those who aren’t athletes. Every program is specially designed for your specific needs and your goals as an individual. If anything life has taught me to never give up no matter what comes your way. You can’t control everything but once thing you can control is how hard you work, how much you focus/energy you can put into yourself to improve, to be able to make time for yourself especially your health. A lot of people say that they don’t have time and my response to that is, how may trips are you taking out the state or country?! How many time are you going out to drink and party?! It’s not time that’s the issue it your priorities. MAKE YOUR HEALTH A PRIORITY. You can’t be their for everyone else and you aren’t at your best for yourself. You owe it to future self to make that change for the better. With all this being said, I’m here to help you create a healthier life, improve your relationship with food and to help you improve your athletic performance. Let’s start crushing those goals!!!
- Trevor