How Long are the training sessions?

Sessions will last approximately one-hour or one-hour half. Trainer may opt to vary the length of sessions at his discretion.

Do I have to pay all up front or are there payment options?

Payment options are available, Client can pay in full to secure training session or program. The second is split into bi-weekly payment. Down payment is required to secure that the client will participate in the training session.

Is there a cancellation/refund for programs?

Client may cancel contract within four (4) business days after the contract has been signed and a full refund of any and all monies paid under this contract. Cancellation of contract must be made in writing and delivered to trainer by certified or registered mail to Trainer ‘at xyz address, city/state’.

What happens if I’m late to the training session?

Client shall be attired as discussed below and ready to train at the time specified. Failure to be prepared to train may result in a shortened workout or possible cancellation of the session if client is more than fifteen minutes late. If client anticipates running late, he/she should contact trainer as soon as possible.